Sensitive Content Warning! Please be aware that photos in this blog post show severe medical complications and may be disturbing for some viewers. I am sharing my personal experience with the respect for the parties involved.
If you are a minor, please stop reading the personal medical experience from this blog post.
ملحوظة لجميع القراء الناطقين باللغة العربية: تحتوي هذه المدونة على محتوى حساس ومعلومات حول المضاعفات الطبية الخطيرة الناجمة عن جراحة الوجه التجميلية التي يجريها الدكتور سمير غرابة. بما أن الدكتور سمير غرابة يعمل في مصر والإمارات العربية المتحدة (دبي) ودول أخرى في الشرق الأوسط، فمن المهم للغاية أن تقرأ منشور المدونة هذا وتفكر في اختيار جراح التجميل الخاص بك. اجعل هذا المنشور بمثابة تذكير جيد بجميع المخاطر المحتملة المرتبطة بالإجراءات التجميلية وأهمية اختيار جراح تجميل مؤهل وذو سمعة طيبة.
Due to the threats that I received from the Dr. Samir Ghoraba when I asked for the fair compensation for everything that I suffered, I am warning in advance that any interruption, hacking, blocking and/or disrupting of the Mr.M blog or the Mr.M (mrmbymarkotadic) channels on social media which are used by Marko Tadic and Ruzica Tadic will be the subject of legal actions. The responsible authorities have been already warned and all responsible participants will be prosecuted for media work obstruction.
This post reflects my experience and it represents my view on the work of Dr. Samir Ghoraba and Dr. Mohamed Yassin. We agreed to have collaboration, that was mediated and organized in agreement with Mr. Abdelslam Ghoraba, CEO of the Samir Ghoraba clinic. The text is written after discussion and careful consultation with my legal team and contains professional and non-edited content without intention to humiliate any party involved. Considering the fact that I am in possession of a written evidence which confirms my collaboration with Dr. Samir Ghoraba, I have full legal rights to share my experience, which unfortunately happened to be extremely negative.
My dear readers, I hope you are doing well. Six months passed since my operation (19th of September 2023) and I believe that it is the right time to share my experience about surgical facial rejuvenation interventions in Egypt. As I wrote in the previous posts on the blog, the operation in Egypt did not go well and my health was seriously compromised. I don’t want even to mention esthetic and psychological damage that I suffered and still try to stabilize. In this post I will share with you all details of what happened to me. Moreover, I would like to thank all of you for the support and understanding that you showed during last six months of my recovery.
Let’s start from the beginning.
Why Egypt and Dr. Samir Ghoraba?
People are wondering how I select Dr. Samir Ghoraba to be my plastic surgeon for this intervention. I am 65-old woman and last several years I noticed some changes on my face that I could not improve with creams and anti-age cosmetic treatments. I have been thinking about surgical facial rejuvenation for years, I was searching on Internet for different possibilities, less and more invasive. I made a list of plastic surgeons at whom I would perform surgical facial rejuvenation, among them were surgeons from Turkey, Egypt and the Middle East. After I saw that Dr. Ghoraba was on training at Dr. Suleyman Tas Clinic, whom I heard is a great expert, I decided to keep to follow the work of Dr. Ghoraba on Instagram. At the end, I asked my son to send him an email and we got the positive response from his brother Mr. Abdelslam Ghoraba and that’s how everything started.
My trip to Egypt and first experience with Dr. Samir Ghoraba
My preparation for this trip started 3 months before the operation which was scheduled on 19th of September 2023. I was very excited thinking how I will have another look in a very short time. I was looking forward to all these changes as I was waiting long and I expected much, perhaps too much. My son Marko and I were very excited and believed in all images that Dr. Ghoraba was posting. I didn’t have some concerns and doubts. This was my largest mistake and I regret it.
The day of our trip finally came and I felt the mixture of happiness and uncertainty, but I wanted to believe that everything will be fine. The same feeling followed me during the whole trip and became even more intensive when we landed in Cairo in early morning hours. The same day, in the late evening I had my first appointment with Dr. Ghoraba in his office.
The first impressions increased my uncertainty, but I ascribed everything to my lack of experience with that part of the world. The assistant of Dr. Ghoraba – Ms. Asmaa Elsakka, asked for money for this intervention immediately when we have finished the consultation at Dr. Ghoraba’s office. I would like to bring attention during the contract of cooperation, Mr. Abdelslam Ghoraba insisted exclusively on cash payment of the costs of surgeries.
During the cash payment process, we requested to receive a printed or online receipt or some confirmation letter that we have paid the costs of the operations, but Ms. Elsakka politely refused and said there was no need for it. After we finished the payment and left the Dr. Samir Ghoraba clinic, half hour later we received the Whats App message from Ms. Elsakka informing us that they cannot accept banknotes that we gave her because they are “old and other color”, even though they were taken from our bank in Serbia just before our trip. I must mention that I paid for the hotel and other expenses from the same series of banknotes and everything was paid normally. This is the main reason, why I suspected a fraud and I contacted my husband and a family lawyer, who warned me about the fraud that prevails in poor countries and advised me to say that I don’t have any more cash with me and find a way to fix the problem. If there really was a problem with the banknotes, Dr. Ghoraba and his team would immediately cancel the operation. Marko and Mr. Abdelslam Ghoraba together with Ms. Elsakka spent long time discussing this and at the end they accepted our banknotes.
Dr. Ghoraba was always surrounded with many people. There was always cameramen and person who was directing his videos, his assistant and his brother. It was very strange to me that he spends more time learning the text that he should say during video than time that he spends listening me. I have never seen this approach, but I wanted to believe and this was crucial. Now I sincerely regret that I didn’t trust my gut to visit the pyramids and return home. The operation was scheduled for the next day without any preparation, laboratory analysis or any other diagnostic testing. I had several operations in my life and I always had to prepare medical documentations before intervention. I am healthy woman and I have regular check-ups that my daughter, who is an experienced doctor, annually organizes and in last several years 2 times per year. She wanted to be sure that I’m ok and I had full check-up only 2 weeks before my trip to Egypt. Everything was fine and therefore I was not particularly concerned why Dr. Ghoraba or his team did not ask for some analysis. However, my daughter was very concerned after my operation and she did not like this approach to the patients. Marko was my support the whole time. He showed me images of all ladies who previously underwent the same procedure and allegedly looked great only a few days after the intervention.
Day of operation has arrived
The day that I was waiting that long finally arrived. I was mentally ready, or at least I thought that I am fully prepared for everything that was waiting for me. The plan was to have intervention, spend one night in the hospital and return to the hotel next day. When I think now about this ambitious plan, I have only a bitter smile on my face and I am wondering how naïve I was at that time.
I came to the hospital, I was admitted and directed to my hospital room. The operation was scheduled for 8 a.m., but Dr. Samir Ghoraba showed up very late around 11:30 a.m. in my room. That morning, I saw his coworker Dr. Mohamed Yassin in my room, just a few minutes before I went to the operation theater. Marko explained him in English what are my expectations and he said that he understood well everything. Dr. Ghoraba was in the operating theater. He used some marker and drew some lines on my face. I must mention that Dr. Ghoraba did not fulfill our agreement to have my son present during the marking of my face for a better explanation in English. The previous evening, I repeated my request via whats app message to his team, who confirmed that they had confimed that he is informed about my request.
I was already on the operating table and I didn’t see what he drew. I hoped that we agreed last night about changes that I want to make and didn’t suspect anything until the very last moment when I was left alone with his coworker Dr. Mohamed Yassin and anesthesiologist because Dr. Ghoraba left the operating room. I got scared as this was not what I expected, but I was already on the operating table and I hoped that Dr. Ghoraba will come in a few minutes.
Anesthetics were given, I started to count, as anesthesiologist told me, and slowly I fell asleep…
After approximately 10 hours I woke up in my room. Everything was misty, I felt nausea and I vomited three times. There was no strong pain, but I felt strong suffocation, as somebody is strongly strangling me. Nurses assured me that this is normal reaction after neck lifting, but this feeling was very strong and remained for days. It was horrible. I was frightened. Dr. Mohamed Yassin with the nurse and his assitant came several hours after operation to check me and told that this was normal post-operative course and that everything be fine in a few days. I tried to smile at his encouragements and they took a lot photos of me, commenting in Arabic. My son asked if everything was okay, Dr. Yassin stated that this is all part of the recovery process and that we should not worry.
Recovery in Egypt
The initial plan was to stay overnight and to be discharged from the hospital next day. The next day arrived, but I could not feel well to sit in bed and not to return to our hotel. Nurses and Marko straightened me up, but this was very difficult for me. I couldn’t walk alone and there was no way I could go back to the hotel and receive medications there. We decided that I will stay additional 3 days in the hospital that we paid immediately in cash.
I could speak about Egyptian private healthcare system for days and attitude of their healthcare workers and particularly nurses for days. However, I will not do that. I can only say that I would never recommend them to anyone.
Dr. Yassin was trying to force me to go to the doctor’s office (located on the other part of the city) that evening to have Dr. Samir examine me and remove the drains, since this cannot be done at the hospital where I was operated on. I said that I did not have the strength to move and ask him to call Dr. Ghoraba to examine me and demanded that he remove the drains at the hospital where I was at that moment. He invited Dr. Ghoraba and he was also very unpleasant and said he would show up tomorrow “when he has time” regardless of my pleas and complaints about feeling bad.
I felt slightly better after taking pain killers, but still far away from all these women who presented on Dr. Ghoraba’s Instagram profile as perfectly fit 2 days after face lifting. I was wondering what’s wrong with me, but everybody was assuring me that everything was normal for this operation.
Dr. Ghoraba came to visit me on the third day. He came only to take video and pictures with me and post it on social medias. As he did previously, he came with his team, focused on the content for social medias, assured me that everything was fine and left. In the meantime, I saw once more his coworker Dr. Mohamed Yassin, who examined me and told that everything is fine and expected. None of them told me that something went wrong, that I had large hematoma along the length of the incision, particularly in front of and behind both ears. I asked many times, but they told me that is normal.
Four days after operation I was discharged. I have already written that plan was to stay at the hospital only 1 night, but I could not imagine myself in the hotel room because I didn’t have strength to walk along the corridors in the hospital.
Dr. Ghoraba saw me after 7 days and prescribed me some cream for my bruises, as he called my hematomas. He was assuring me that my recovery is longer due to my age, but that everything will be fine. These “bruises” soon became black ugly crusts. However, Dr. Ghoraba told me that this is the part of healing and that I will have normal skin below, particularly if I use cream that he prescribed me.
During next two weeks that I stayed in Cairo, Marko gave his best to help me and recover me. He was continuously encouraging me, saying that everything will be fine, helping me to walk around within the hotel. He was taking care about my therapy, organizing our visits to the doctor’s office. Don’t forget that we are in Cairo and not in Europe. Their way of life and communication, traffic, rules, working hours, food are very different from everything that we know. One thing is when we visit Cairo and Egypt as tourist and quite different when you are patient there and need to rely on their facilities. I did not think about these issues before.
I felt somewhat better, but far from normal. I was taking antibiotics and other therapy. My daughter insisted on this, particularly antibiotics. Honestly, I didn’t want to show her my crusts and every time when we had video calls, I was holding telephone in front of me and try not to turn on the side. I didn’t want to make her worry and subconsciously didn’t want to admit myself that something bad is going to happen to me. Because of my children, I wanted to believe that everything will be fine. At this point, I just wanted to go home and thought that I will instantly feel better when I arrive to Belgrade. At that time, I could not even imagine that this was only the beginning of my worst nightmare…
Last time I saw Dr. Ghoraba one day before I returned to Belgrade. He removed my sutures. It was very painful and I am known as somebody with very high threshold for pain. I asked for the hundredth time Dr. Ghoraba what will happen with my face and I heard the same story as always that everything will return to normal state in a few weeks. My whole face was swollen, I had ugly black crusts in front and behind both ears (I didn’t know that this calls skin necrosis) and I had difficulties to move lips (I thought that this is due to facial swelling).
After removing the sutures, Dr. Samir Ghoraba did a CO2 fractional laser to remove facial wrinkles. During the laser treatment, I felt an unusual smell, which I thought was normal, but after a few minutes I realized that Dr. Ghoraba burned both my eyebrows. He left the office and went to examine other patients and I got up to look in the mirror and noticed that both of my eyebrows were totally burned, which I complained to Dr. Yassin, he was troubled by my concern and said everything would be fine. After that, Dr. Ghoraba gave me his written discharge letter and confirmation that I am allowed to travel back home.
The next day we should return to Belgrade and I thought that everything will be perfectly fine from the moment when I land to the Belgrade airport.
Return to Belgrade
The return day has finally arrived and I instantly felt adrenalin rush which helped me to overcome my physical weakness that has not left me since the day of the operation. Our trip to the airport, passing through the airport and the flight from Cairo to Belgrade were the real adventure that drained the last atom of energy out of me. I was very weak even 17 days after the operation that this trip to Belgrade was like some triathlon for me.
I came to Belgrade and my daughter was waiting for me. She came to Belgrade only to see me after the operation and she did not know anything about my fears. When she saw me, I instinctively knew that something was wrong. She tried to act normally and not to frighten me. After everything finished, she told me that she instantly saw skin necrosis and sent photos of me to her colleagues surgeons who confirmed her suspicion. She explained everything to Marko and organized to do necessary analyses and to see surgeon as soon as possible.
I felt better when I finally came home, but my weakness was the same. My expected miracle did not happen and I was very sad, frustrated, disappointed, discouraged, angry and hopeless. Next day medical examinations in Belgrade began…
All Complications revealed (skin necrosis, facial palsy and neck cyst)
When I came to the Emergency Center after seeing the first surgeon, I realized that all my fears that I felt in Egypt had unfortunately come true. My children tried their best to encourage me, the surgeons talk to my daughter while I look at my son and try to find comfort, but in his eyes I see only fear. That’s when my fight for life began and I was no longer a cosmetic surgery patient, but a survivor with severe complications who was on the edge sepsis.
The plastic surgeons called a meeting where my son showed all the pictures from the first day of the operation to the moment of our arrival in Serbia. Plastic surgeons with a lot of experience were shocked that I managed to get home at all and that they could even see me in front of them in this condition. They started doing numerous tests on me, the blood tests were not good at all and the results showed a serious infection and my daughter was desperate and angry, she also called her infectious disease colleagues who continued with the tests and advised to do a CT of my head and neck immediately to determine the degree of necrosis to see how deeply it has affected the tissue.
My son and I in consultation with the legal team, sent an email to Dr. Samir Ghoraba where he was informed about my health condition and pointed out his numerous mistakes, as well as the medical omissions he made during my operation and due to poor post-operative care, that he could have prevented the necrosis using numerous medical methods and that all this could have been differently. I asked for compensation and reimbursement of all travel expenses.
Dr. Ghoraba admitted in an email his medical mistake and medical negligence and offered me a shamefully low compensation of 10,000 euros with his request that I sign an NDA agreement (Non-Disclosure Agreement), and never write a negative review of his work.
Correspondence with Dr. Ghoraba after admitting his guilt continued and he behaved as if we were in the market, not that he had committed serious medical negligence. He used metaphors “you act like we hit you with a car” and other unpleasant sentences that emphasize his character and unprofessionalism. I informed him that in case he does not compensate me, I will make public my personal experience, to which he followed me by threats shutting down our channels of social networks, as well as other channels of communication like blog. I was fair and waited… It’s been 6 months…
My health condition deteriorated significantly and a cyst appeared on my neck. I was worried and felt severe pain and pressure in my neck. With the help of my daughter’s colleagues, I managed to get in touch with one of the best plastic surgeons in Serbia, who accepted my case and agreed with his team to take care of me. Daily punctures of liquid from the neck began, the amounts varied from 10 to 40 mm, sometimes punctures (removal of liquid) were done twice a day. I went into a state of sepsis and started receiving intravenous antibiotics.
The punctures went on for weeks and one evening I felt that my bandage and the pillow under me were so wet and out of fear I had a panic attack and started screaming. The nurse came and started to calm me down, then my children and the surgeon came, who calmed me down by insisting that it was a small discharge from the cyst, which was the only way to calm me down at the moment because the cyst had burst. I suspected that something more serious had happened, but I tried to calm down, regardless of the fear of death, I would be at peace because at least I came home and was with my children.
My daughter told me the truth later, because they didn’t want to aggravate my mental state which was seriously damaged by everything that happened to me. My son regularly took pictures, but I didn’t have the courage to look at them. The psychologist’s advice was not to show me the pictures. I gathered my strength and we all together looked at my pictures together in December 2023, when I saw with my own eyes for the very first time what happened to me.
UK Medical Title Misusage of Dr. Samir Ghoraba
Upon my return home, my attorney and my family conducted a thorough investigation of the work and medical titles of Dr. Samir Ghoraba. The first step was to check the medical title used by Dr. Ghoraba on his social media profiles: “UK Board Certified Consultant”. We contacted all medical facilities in the UK and received numerous responses which showed that Dr. Samir Ghoraba abuses UK medical degrees and titles. I will quote the response of a leading institution:
“Please do not be dazzled by board certified surgeons, “Board Certified” is a North American term that does not exist in UK and is deliberately used to try to attract patients under false pretense.”
Reposted from NHS official website:
“Doctors who hold registration but not a licence may be working as an academic or outside the UK. They cannot undertake any of the activities – clinical work – for which UK law requires them to hold a licence to practise.“
Dr. Samir Ghoraba was on some sort of training in the UK, he could not legally be a visiting doctor and perform any kind of operations on patients in the UK without a medical license to practise. He can only perform his academic activity, which must not include work on patients. Just to be clear, Dr. Samir Ghoraba does not have a UK medical license.
He misleads patients about his work on his website. He was also expelled from the Royal Academy of Plastic Surgeons for non-payment of dues, and uses an MRCS (Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons) medical title that does not belong to him.
After I contacted medical institutions in the UK and received answers, Dr. Ghoraba has changed the information on his main IG profile – @samirghoraba, the Bio section and the medical title is no longer “UK Board Certified Consultant” it has been changed to “UK GMC Registered”. He has „registered without licence to practise medicine in UK“. Top plastic surgeons are licenced by the UK and US Medical Boards and this signifies their expertise and quality of work. I believe that I am deceived because Dr. Ghoraba falsely used the title and misled me into believing that he is an excellent surgeon who is licensed in a country like the UK because of his knowledge.
Acts committed:
- Serious medical negligence and medical mistakes (responsible persons: Dr. Samir Ghoraba and Dr. Mohamed Yassin)
- Deliberately hiding information about the patient’s health and endangering the patient’s health condition (responsible persons: Dr. Samir Ghoraba, Dr. Mohamed Yassin and other staff of Dr. Samir Ghoraba’s Clinic)
- Tax evasion (money for operation costs was requested to be paid in cash, even mentioned in advance in emails during the cooperation agreement, no printed or online receipt was issued for performing services at Dr. Samir Ghoraba’s clinic. (responsible persons: Mr. Abdelslam Ghoraba and Ms. Asmaa ElSakka)
- An attempt to double charge the operation costs (with the excuse that my USD banknotes are old and other color, the hotel was paid with them in an amount higher than the operation costs and the payment was made normally, which indicates an attempt to defraud Dr. Samir Ghoraba’s team consisting of Mr. Abdelslam Ghoraba and Ms .Asmaa ElSakka.
- Misuse of medical title: UK Board Certified Consultant. Dr. Ghoraba does not have a medical license to practice in the UK, he has applied for registration on the General Medical Council (GMC) register but is not licensed to practice medicine as a general practitioner or specialist in UK. I have a document on which it is written that Dr. Samir Ghoraba is not allowed to work with patients in the UK, so his stories on his website that he has performed delicate operations at the Birmingham Clinic as a visting doctor are misleading patients.
- Image editing and manipulation of the final results of cosmetic operations. Dr. Ghoraba and his team significantly edit the images and thereby mislead patients about the results of cosmetic surgeries. That was done in my case as well.
Participants in this acts:
- Dr. Samir Ghoraba – the surgeon who performed Deep Plane Face and Neck Lift interventions with forehead tightening and fat transfer in the lower and upper eyelids.
- Dr. Mohamed Yassin – Junior surgeon, assistant Dr. Ghoraba who participated in the performance of my operations and who examined me after the operation and supervised my recovery with Dr. Samir Ghoraba
- Mr. Abdelslam Ghoraba, introduces himself as the CEO of Dr. Clinic. Samir Ghoraba and with him I agreed about the terms of our cooperation, the price of the operation and the way of promoting the clinic Dr. Samir Ghoraba. He was responsible for the financial agreement and terms and conditions of our cooperation and promotion of the work of Dr. Samir Ghoraba.
- Ms. Asmaa ElSakka – one of the numerous assistants of Dr. Samir Ghoraba and is in charge of collecting money in cash and regulating payments before the surgery itself.
My recovery is still ongoing, I am left with serious scars and half of my face is paralyzed, I am taking different types of medicine to be able to move my head without pain. I do not have any condition or co-morbidity that would cause this type of complication and it is very easy to prove, as I am not a smoker and I do not have diabetes, hypertension or any other chronic condition or medical treatment.
In consultation with my medical team managing my case, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to do revision cosmetic surgeries after some time: face, neck and forehead lift, blepharoplasty, as well as new fat transfer, because the fat transfer done by Dr. Ghoraba and Dr. Yassin, the fat did not get accepted on my face, which is often the case with unprofessional doctors. The results of the cosmetic surgery performed by Dr. Ghoraba not good at all, the skin of the face and double chin is in bad condition. The skin of half of the face is sagging, as well as the skin of the double chin because liposuction of the double chin and neck lift were done in a wrong way. Since I am still recovering, my medical team is not sure when it is a good moment to have revision cosmetic surgery done again. I don’t know how familiar you are, but all revision cosmetic surgeries cost significantly more than when it is done for the first time and there are a small number of plastic surgeons who are willing to operate on such patients.
Dr. Samir Ghoraba has fake positive reviews in Google written by him and his team from fake profiles after I left a true negative review with evidence of his horrible work he did to me.
Dr. Samir Ghoraba operates on patients in the territory of Arab Republic of Egypt – Opal Aesthetics in New Cairo and UAE (Quttainah Specialized Hospital in Dubai and First Medical Center in Abu Dhabi). He also visits Middle Eastern countries, so pay attention and think carefully if you decide to have surgery with him. You make that decision at your own risk.
I just want to share my personal experience and Dr. Ghoraba is already informed about my case, he admitted his mistake and offered me shameful compensation which is not covering my surgery in Egypt, recovery expenses and all revision surgeries and he blocked me on social media, also he is deleting my review on Google review.
I want to mention that in the meantime I got in touch with a couple of former patients of Dr. Samir Ghoraba who had unsuccessful operations, bad experiences. Dr. Ghoraba did not offer revision operations to them or pay compensation, for the sake of all of us I decided to share my experience.
UPDATE April 2024: Buying fake positive Google Reviews
After the publication of this post on March 19, 2024, the growth of positive 5* reviews on the Google Business account of the clinic Dr. Samir Ghoraba. I assumed that the reviews were bought, but I had no proof. A few days ago I received several emails from people that they received messages on the Whatsapp application to write positive Google reviews for the work of Dr. Samir Ghoraba and that they will be paid depending on the number of reviews they write. In the picture below you can see the price list and the link to the Google Business account of Dr. Samir Ghoraba. This explains the sudden magical growth of reviews from 150 reviews and an average rating of 4.1 to almost 1500 positive reviews that make no sense and thus Dr. Ghoraba raised his average rating to 4.9.
In addition to showing my personal experience in this blog post, I want to express my sincere concern about the surgical skills and knowledge of Dr. Samir Ghoraba and his fellowship and clinical instructorships in plastic surgery and cosmetic medicine. If he behaves like the surgeon who operated on me, then I am really worried about what kind of knowledge and skills he can pass on to residents or specialists in Plastic surgery, ENT or Dermatology, Maxillofacial medical fields.
I am seeking compensation and I would not allow Dr. Ghoraba to operate on me ever again and I will not give up until I get the fair compensation I deserve.
Unfortunately, this is my story, but let’s do our best to raise awareness together for such events to not happen again, because today I was a victim of the ignorance of a cosmetic surgeon, and tomorrow it could be someone from your environment. If you find my story educational, feel free to share, so we can prevent unprofessional surgeons from destruction of someone’s health and appearance.
I reserve the right to edit this post with new updated information from time to time.
Ružica Tadic
This blog post contains personal medical experience of failed surgical facial rejuvenation that is contracted in advance. Both parties made an agreement for which there is a written record. This post is informative and contains sensitive content that the author of the post indicated at the very beginning. Most of the published content belongs to the authors of the blog Mr.M & Mrs. Mom – Marko Tadic and Ruzica Tadic with the use of publicly available content on the Internet that is available to everyone. This post is written for the purpose of informing and educating the general public about the potential risks that may arise as a result of plastic surgery. This post may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. In accordance with my informational, educational mission, on which I wanted to make available material for understanding the risks that may arise as a result of cosmetic surgery, as well as efforts to raise awareness of medical negligence that occurred during the contracted cooperation. I, Ruzica Tadic and other members of the Mr.M team are not responsible for the content of comments that will be posted in response to my personal experience, we are exempt from legal liability. Every individual has the right to express personal opinion and draw own conclusion. This is beyond our control and we bear no legal responsibility for the content of comments.
I did not expect your story today about the failed plastic surgery in Egypt. I really did not believe that a surgeon could ruin someone like this! Wait, he thought for 10,000 euros to buy your silence?! This is pure medical malpractice, kudos! I have shared this text with all my friends.
This is outrageous! I’m in shock, this is a really heartbreaking story and I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through. I can’t believe there are people running away from responsibility! Each of us can make a mistake, but everyone has to pay for their mistakes! I have sent your text to my journalist friends in the UK, this medical title abuse will be a very interesting topic!
I was going to cook lunch for today, but I got an email and I just wanted to quickly look at the pictures… I sat down in shock and read your whole story! I was married to a Tunisian and they just like to threaten to people and run away. We were married for 6 years and I still can’t understand how I could live with him. I’m really sorry for what you’ve been through, this si a real hell!
There are so many criminal activities here and you have written everything well. I’m a lawyer in the Netherlands and I’m really proud of the colleagues who helped you write this post. Everything is explained in detail and expertly without any bad words and pictures prove your experience, as well as documents. The admission of guilt of the doctor is the most important here, in the Netherlands and in Europe you can expect compensation of 2-4 million euros for such a case, sometimes even more. There is also tax evasion and financial fraud due to double billing of surgery costs,… Read more »
Dear Rose, Thank you for taking the time to write such a difficult story, this is horror. Dr. Samir Ghoraba had no shame in offering $10,000 for this kind of damage???? Regardless of whether this was a paid collaboration, whether you received the operation for free or paid as you mentioned, damages must be paid. You could have kept quiet about something like this for $100.000 -$200.000 so you could get treatment and sign an NDA… That doctor ruined you and he needs to pay for it. His medical license should be revoked for this and he should not approach… Read more »
This is terrible experience, the surgeon admitted his mistakes, offered so little money and then threatened you that if you publish the story, your blog and social media channels will be shut down… For me, the highlight is the google review of his patient who thanks him for the intervention that he did not at all as a plastic surgeon can do! Great that you found out the truth about his fraudulent use of UK medical titles. I have sent everyone I know who goes to the surgeon to let them know what the risks are. You are a very… Read more »
Oh dear God, what symbolism, you published the story of your horrific experience exactly on the day that 6 months had passed since the operation! You are one wonderful woman, I send you my full support. I showed my husband the pictures, as he is a maxillofacial surgeon and he simply cannot believe that a plastic surgeon could do such a thing. I hope you are recovering well and I hope you are able to get your compensation.
This is really unbelievable! Dear Mrs. Ruzica, I sincerely hope that you have managed to recover at least a little. Your post has been shared today in a couple of medical groups in Europe and the UK, all colleagues are really shocked by your case. It’s just incredible if you’re not a smoker that these complications can happen to you. To tell you honestly, this is the incompetence of the surgeon who operated on you. These are extremely difficult complications and you are a very rare case, but unfortunately this is the mistake of the surgeon from Egypt. I wish… Read more »
This is a very sad story, but the biggest tragedy of Dr. Ghoraba for finding such people who don’t even know how to lie for him! Imagine lying so much that someone thanks you for an intervention which is only performed by an interventional cardiologist, not a plastic surgeon. This is terrible, you should really be proud to be alive at all to tell us your story after this nightmare experience.
These two surgeons should be behind bars for all the crimes they committed, and the other two, his brother and assistant for financial evasion and other financial crimes. Who knows how much money they earned from the Arabs over the years, and they didn’t report taxes.
I am a doctor from Iran and I moved to work in the UK. Your doctor is impersonating himself and this is clearly evident from the GMC’s public register of medical professionals. I believe you were excited before the surgery to verify the veracity of your surgeon’s medical titles. It’s not that he can’t approach patients in the UK, but as an Egyptian, he can hardly do any academic work in the UK. I sympathize with you and wish you, above all, peace and recovery. I sincerely hope you get a large amount of compensation because this is truly gross… Read more »
I read your story for 45 minutes, every detail and fear got under my skin. I am 62 years old and I was thinking of doing a Facelift and Necklift, but after your experience, I will hardly decide on these surgical interventions because I can’t believe what the doctors are ready for. They should treat us and watch out for their mistakes, not threaten patients and block them on social networks. I have been following your fashion stories and your son’s travelogues for years and you always make me happy with positive and beautiful things, but this is really sad… Read more »
I followed your fashion stories and notes that all the pictures are specially edited to fulfill your obligations to your blog friends and your readers, but I really couldn’t imagine such a hell even in my worst nightmares. That surgeon Ghoraba has something to threaten someone with? I’ve been a lawyer for 20 years and I’ve never seen such a well-written text without a single insult, you really did a fantastic job. Every detail and every explanation and legal clarification. There is not a single violation of honor or personal insult here. This surgeon can only “kindly” ask you to… Read more »
I have to say that I am sorry from the bottom of my heart that this happened to you. You’ve always been positive and inspiring, I sincerely hope this doesn’t stop you from continuing your fashion stories. I shared your story on several FB groups and people can’t believe it. I sincerely hope that everything will be ok! I know it doesn’t mean much to you right now, but you have my full support.
This is something that should not happen in plastic surgery, if the surgeons were responsible they would immediately return you to the operating room to remove the hematoma and then the necrosis of the facial tissue would not occur. The second saddest thing is those fake medical titles and fake Google reviews that make patients doubt the work of doctors of any specialty. What happened to you is a complete disaster and it’s really commendable and fascinating that you were able to capture all of this and have an excellent legal team. As a doctor I am reading this text… Read more »
I must commend your mental willingness to share such a great trauma with the people who read your blog. This unfortunate turn of events must have left a mark on your general and mental health. I haven’t seen your blog until now, a friend of mine sent me a link to your post and I felt the need to reach out and offer some words of support. I believe things will be good in the end!
I read your article and forced myself to look up the work of your chosen surgeon and saw his Google Review, I’ll just say a word of caution to anyone who bypasses his clinic. The man talks about himself in the third-person self-talk, convinces others that he’s being sabotaged by the competition, and sending people to see his work on his Instagram profile where it’s clear that he’s blurring patient’s skin and they all look artificial. I have honestly never seen such a serious case of medical negligence in cosmetic surgery.
I can only imagine how you felt when he wrote you an email with the sentence: “you act like we hit you with a car”, dear Dr. Ghoraba this situation is equal to a plane crash, if not a NASA station crash what you have done to this wonderful woman… This man is really unaware of his incompetence , such a surgeon in the UK is immediately disqualified and license revoked for treating patients in this way. A patient to experience this kind of violence by a doctor? This should definitely be sent to as many media outlets as possible… Read more »
As I read the notes and the introduction of the post, I felt chills and some strange fear. While reading the text I felt nauseous and I could just imagine myself in your skin as you described everything in detail. This doctor should not even operate on animals, this is terrible. I can only imagine your feeling of fear and helplessness when you felt the cyst burst, all you thought was to die peacefully with your children. I cried today because of you, I don’t know when was the last time I cried, but because of you, I felt weak… Read more »
Dear Ruzica, Thank you for sharing your detailed experience, which you have supported with numerous proofs. I am a plastic surgeon in the US and I have to say that I am shocked by the behavior of my colleague from Egypt. If I had caused such a condition in one of my patients, I would have to treat him for free if the patient accepts my services, or pay him immediately for the whole treatment and also to pay the compensation for physical pain to the patient. Jusr a 10,000$ to keep quiet about a problem like this is really… Read more »
It seems that your story is widely shared among medical professionals, I am currently in residency and have seen various complications. It is simply unbelievable that so many complications can happen to a healthy patient who leads a healthy lifestyle. This all speaks to the inexperience of the person who operated on you. It is obvious that you were in hands of the surgeons who lack adequate knowledge and experience because all of this could have been prevented. As a doctor, I really could not leave the patient, you were on the verge of death. Congrats to your courage and… Read more »
Liebe Rose, es tut mir so leid, dass dein Facelift nicht erfolgreich war! Vertrauen Sie mir, ich habe Ihre Geschichten auf Instagram verfolgt und mich für Sie gefreut. Ich habe sogar darüber nachgedacht Dr. Ghoraba zu kontaktieren. Ich kann einfach nicht glauben, was mit dir passiert ist und hoffe, dass du dich erholst, dich erneut operieren lässt und alles in Ordnung kriegst. Du hast viel Leid ertragen müssen und glaub mir, dass Gott alles sieht und dass er irgendwann zu den Menschen zurückkehren wird, die dir das angetan haben, und das ist die schlimmste Strafe. Wenn Ihre Chirurgen in Ägypten… Read more »
Das ist eine wirklich traurige Geschichte. Falls jemand nicht weiß, wie die Hölle aussieht: Dies ist eine Live-Show. Es ist eine schreckliche Erfahrung, und außerdem präsentiert sich der Arzt mit gefälschten medizinischen Titeln und bedroht einen berühmten Blogger. Ich kann wirklich nicht glauben, dass dir das passiert ist. Ich bin einfach schockiert!
Dear Mrs. Ruzica, I live in Dubai and I even thought of having surgery at Quttainah Specialized Hospital since they advertised Dr. Samir Ghoraba as an experienced surgeon, I really can’t believe how he behaves. I’m sorry that we share the same religion, this is strongly condemned in Islam to hurt someone… I don’t know how familiar you are with Islam, but when a person dies, the soul will enter Barzakh, a state of waiting, until the Day of Judgment. A soul can go to paradise by living religiously, asking Allah for forgiveness and showing good actions in their life.… Read more »
Sister Arwa, I also afraid, I read this and I can tell afraid a lot after this experience of sister Ruzika. Dr. Samir Ghoraba also working in Oman on DAR DERMA CLINIC in Muscat. Promotion very well, but after this I not go, absolutely no no
أنا خائفة، هل هذا ممكن؟ إنه يأتي إلى دبي كثيرًا وأرى إعلانات على إنستغرام، أيتها المرأة المسكينة!
أنا أتفق معك! أتمنى أن تجد هذه المرأة المعذبة السلام والسعادة. الله لا يرزقها إلا الأفضل بعد هذه المحنة. شكرا على التنبيه أخت أروى
Dear Rose, I cannot find the right words to express my regret for this extremely unpleasant experience. I am especially sorry that I am also 65 years old and I completely understand your desire and why you did surgical facial rejuvenation. I fantasize about it too, but after your experience, I think I’ll only do anti-aging treatments. I wish you a speedy recovery and I hope that everything will be just fine.
This is a tragedy for every woman who just wanted to be young. I am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart and hope all goes well for you, and as for the doctors I would fear for the patients when they continue to read this experience.
Oh my god, what did I read this. Dear Ruzica, it’s really a miracle that you stayed alive and didn’t die of an infection, life gave you a second chance, but literally! Imagine going for an intervention with the aim of being beautiful and young and you come back as a survivor. These doctors should be put in prison for life and their license to work should be revoked so that they don’t approach patients at all around the world!
Dr. Samir Ghoraba has prices for Egyptian citizens and Saudi citizens and other Middle Eastern countries with special other high prices. He always sends his assistants to take money in cash before the operation and doesn’t pay taxes, it’s good that someone exposed his scams. Besides not paying taxes, he is playing with human health. I met two people who had their noses ruined and were left with big scars. When they complained Dr. Ghoraba he mocked and humiliated them, he also threatened the patients. I hope your story reaches as many people as possible, I will share it for… Read more »
After your story, I looked at his reviews on Google, today his positive ratings are flourishing, really a wonderful doctor! ;D
This is a pure scam called Dr. Samir Ghoraba. I noticed that he has a practice of closing clinics and changing them when he makes a problem for some patients and they sue him or chase him for compensation. Your story is really sad, but also inspiring for other patients who are even thinking about having surgery with Dr. Ghoraba or his team. Thank you for sharing this and be sure that you helped a lot to other people!
Sister Ruzika, I heard about your story today, I’m really sorry that this happened to you, Dr. Samir Ghoraba and Marwa are bad people, they have harmed so many people, I have shared your story with them and I hope they will come forward. The judiciary in Egypt does nothing and everything is corrupt, but your story can change everything and help us make our voices heard.
Since I work in the health system in the UK, I can confirm that the title “UK board certified Consultant” does not exist in Great Britain and that unfortunately your surgeon is a fraud, as it is written in his medical record in the GMC register. I see that he had a license for 18 days in 2019, so he was probably doing some supervised training then, but his story that he was in Birmingham as visiting doctor is definitely false. You are deluded and he is a serious fraud and I believe that is how he attracts patients in… Read more »
It’s sad to see what plastic surgeons are doing to patients. I am an ophthalmologist in Denmark and if I did this kind of medical negligence to a patient with all this evidence of brutal medical negligence and concealment of the patient’s true condition with improper treatment I would get a prison sentence of up to 10 years and pay millions in compensation damages. This is really embarrassing and thanks for sharing your story.
This is terrible, I just saw Google Reviews Dr. Samir Ghoraba, he also buys positive Google reviews because I can’t count how many positive reviews he got in the last 24 hours. This man should be reported to numerous institutions. Since my husband is a doctor in Dubai, he advised me to contact the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) and warn about the problematic work of Dr. Ghoraba.
Your doctor definitely has fake Google Reviews and obviously only cares about his appearance because all the pictures are heavily edited in PS. I found the comment of his “patient” that you posted so funny as Dr. Ghoraba seems to be involved in the implantation of stents in his free time as a hobby. A very capable and hardworking man!
Dear Mrs. Ruzica, I need to tell you that your story has reached Egypt as well. I am one of the plastic surgeons here and I can tell you that you have been scammed because you were promised to be operated by Dr. Samir Ghoraba in your invitation letter, and you were possibly operated by Dr. Mohamed Yassin who doesn’t have maybe 2 years of experience at the time you were operated on. Dr. Samir Ghoraba rarely does his surgery, he only takes pictures for social networks, as you said yourself, he is only trying to learn the text to… Read more »
هل تتحدث عن سمير غرابة الذي أصبح لديه الآن عيادة أوبال في القاهرة الجديدة؟! إذا كان الأمر كذلك، فيجب على المرأة أن تكون ممتنة لكونها على قيد الحياة على الإطلاق
سمير يمكن أن يسبب النخر بمجرد النظر إلى المريض. هل رأيت إجاباته على مراجعات جوجل حيث قال إن النخر أمر طبيعي تمامًا بعد الجراحة. ليس من الطبيعي حقًا ما فعله بهذه المرأة
كتب أحدهم اليوم أن سمير حصل الليلة الماضية على أقل من 200 تعليق على Google، واليوم لديه أكثر من 300 تعليق. يمكنك أن ترى أن سمير جراح ناجح عندما يقوم بإجراء العمليات الجراحية للعديد من المرضى! إنه يشتري مراجعات Google ويجبر الزملاء والأصدقاء بالتأكيد على كتابة التعليقات. هذه المرأة هربت من الجحيم! إنها محظوظة لأنها على قيد الحياة!
ما 300، هذا قليل! وهناك سمير غرابة يقترب الآن من 400 مراجعة على جوجل. إنه حقًا رجل مجنون، لقد اشترى الكثير من التقييمات! لا بد أنه قد تعرض للأذى القانوني بسبب قصة هذه المرأة، لذلك سيتم القبض عليه بسبب عمله الرائع! هذا الرجل مختل حقًا… هل يعتقد حقًا أن مراجعات جوجل المزيفة ستنقذه؟!
I’m sorry to hear this, but my friend was also operated by Dr. Samir Ghoraba and ruined his nose. He took 3,000 USD in cash before the operation and was left with large scars on his face. I can put you in touch with him, he is a very good person and I am sorry that you and him are victims of Dr. Samir Ghoraba. He regularly deletes Google reviews and writes fake reviews. Your case is much more difficult than my friend’s and I am truly sorry for all that has happened to you. I really admire your ability… Read more »
This is truly outrageous! I hope this doctor is held criminally accountable with his team. He endangered your health and life with his medical negligence! How is he not ashamed to offer 10,000 euros for such a mistake? Is that man out of his mind? He’s not a doctor, he’s a butcher!
Dear Rose, I could not even imagine that the doctor inflicted such serious and severe injuries on you, I hope you reported the case to the Embassy of Egypt in Serbia! This is a criminal act, since you are a citizen of Serbia, you can contact the Embassy of Egypt in your country and file a criminal complaint. Since the surgeons are Egyptian citizens, you must report them to the Egyptian Embassy and they, as a representative of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will pass it on to other institutions ex officio.
I’ve been following your fashion stories for years and you’ve always been an inspiration to me. You made me cry today and I am truly truly sorry for everything that happened to you! This is absolutely reprehensible! Terrible, what did the surgeons in Egypt do to you?! Are they butchers or surgeons?
After reading your story I wanted to write a negative Google review for Dr. Ghoraba’s, I don’t know if you know, but Dr. Ghoraba bought too many Google reviews. I scrolled for at least 5-10 minutes, there must be over 200 new Google reviews and maybe more in the last 24 hours. He is a serious con man!
After all, I can only say that for Dr. Samir Ghoraba and Dr. Mohamed Yassin only a prison sentence of 15 years minimum the only solution and payment of millions in damages. They tried to kill you with intent as soon as they didn’t treat you and the proof of that is the laser treatment they gave you regardless of the fact that you clearly had visible necrosis on your face.
I’ll just say I’m really glad you made it through! Your story shocked me and today I told all my friends. It’s just unbelievable what a inexperienced and arrogant surgeon can do to you.
I think both surgeons should continue filming their medical reality show in prison after this. They have literally disfigured you!
A doctor with fake medical titles and such express training cannot be a good surgeon. Unfortunately, your case is an indication that the surgeon is inexperienced and has violated numerous acts of medical ethics due to poor PO care and negligent treatment. The doctor uses his brother and other employees for other criminal activities and this is quite normal in countries such as Turkey, Egypt and other countries especially in Middle Eastern countries where there is no special law. I hope you have informed the medical facilities in the UAE as it has become the biggest center for plastic surgery… Read more »
This is a terrible story, really shocking… Unfortunately, I know a surgeon and we are in the same circles, I can say that he has big complexes. Just take a look at his picture at the Tanta University Department of Plastic Surgery webiste and everything will be clear to you. That man is unprofessional, he got his degree through connections, he was a very bad student and he is still surrounded by such people and hangs out with such people. He is not capable of being accountable for his work, let alone being someone’s mentor. I hear he’s ruined a… Read more »
I’m so sorry for everything you’ve been through, I thought the damage was less, but this is a disaster. How are you feeling today? Are you thinking about who to go to for revision surgery? Have you received any advice on when you should go for surgery again? As for the plastic surgeons in Egypt who operated on you, if the court does not arrive, they will both be judged on the Day of Judgment, members of the Islamic religion know what I am talking about
This is the most difficult and saddest story of yours that I have read on the blog. This is not just a botched facelift and necklift, this is endangering someone’s health and life. The greatest audacity of this madman is that he offered you 10,000 euros for scandalous medical negligence!
I saw your story in numerous Facebook groups and I can say that I was a victim of Dr. Samir Ghoraba, he threatened my health for 8000$, I also paid in cash without receipt and I also went through hell. Dr. Samir Ghoraba sends students to operate on you, you must have noticed that there are always a lot of operated patients and that the whole floor of the hospital is full of his patients, which is impossible if only he operates. Thank you for speaking up for all of us who can’t! Allah will see your suffering and show… Read more »
Dear Ruzica, I also had a nose operation in Cairo, Egypt 2 years ago with another Egyptian surgeon and he did the same thing with USD bills. I was just being stupid and naive I gave him new bills and he returned me fake bills and I realized that when I returned to my country. I paid a total of $7,000 for the nose job, since I actually paid $3,500 twice. At least you had a wise husband and a lawyer to help you. Egyptians are terrible people, because they are poor and live hard, they always steal from foreigners.… Read more »
This is creepy! I would not go to Egypt as a tourist to see the pyramids, which are a wonder of the ancient Egyptian civilization, let alone to do a serious operation such as a facelift. My friend went as a tourist, the guide tried to sexually assault her, luckily she defended herself. Egypt is a totally unsafe country. They have no law and you should not go there, they are an uneducated and semi-literate world. You are a brave woman for allowing yourself to be operated on by an Egyptian plastic surgeon, I can see from the picture that… Read more »