My dear fashionistas, welcome to my new fashion story on the pages of the Mr.M blog in this Autumn-Winter 2024/25 season. I sincerely hope that I will justify your trust this season as well and that I will be able to inspire women in their prime to change the way they look at life and introduce novelty into their everyday life through my vision of fashion. Today I will do my best to present you some new autumn, maybe a little winter furry fashion novelties that have arrived in my wardrobe – HEVA Milano.
This unexpected hobby of mine and writing fashion stories became interesting to me because I noticed that people found my stories interesting and inspiring. Honestly, I did not expect that my writing of fashion stories would be such a success and I am immensely grateful to you for the wonderful messages, as well as for the selfless support you give me daily.
Fur is a noble material that has always been worn by celebrities, members of royal families, while in Europe this status symbol was worn by great ladies. After the published fashion story about the FURMARK certificate for the sustainability of fur in the fashion industry on the Mr.M blog, Marko and I received numerous questions regarding the selection of the appropriate quality of fur, as well as the selection of a fur coat model. Many ladies were in doubt, since buying a fur coat is a serious investment and therefore it is necessary to carefully choose the right model for yourself. There are furs of different quality on the market, from pieces to whole skins, natural and dyed fur.
Therefore, it is best for everyone to choose the fur that the lady thinks is the best and contact the professionals, who can help you and answer all your doubts. Prices can vary and it is certain that with a higher price, you get better quality, which is of course the desire of all of us. A high quality fur coat is a piece that is eternal, it can be passed on to generations to come.
I love fur and love to wear it when I have the chance. A special place in my wardrobe this season was occupied by this wonderful long fur coat made of sheared mink with a luxurious collar made of sable fur. I am always happy to give my trust to Italian furriers because of the exceptional quality of workmanship and design. The fur coat that you have the opportunity to see in today’s fashion story is a true masterpiece of the Italian fur shop HEVA Milano.
The HEVA Milano brand is one of the brands of the Italian company Golden Furs, which was founded in 1986. It was founded as an import-export company of leather and fur, which years later became a world leader in the sector of high-quality natural fur.
Not long after, in 1990, the showroom exhibition space was opened for the display of multi-brand collections, followed by the HEVA Milano style studio. The passion for fur and tailoring led the HEVA Milano team to cooperation with the biggest luxury brands. The company is committed to selecting and purchasing fur exclusively from sustainable farms certified by Saga Furs & Furmark.
In the rich offer of the HEVA Milano fur world, you can find garments made of natural fur of the following types: mink, sable, fox, chinchilla, swakara, as well as pure cashmere coats and leather jackets made of natural fur.
At the HEVA Milano atelier you will always find an exceptional and quality service of tailors and pattern makers who are able to develop custom patterns or remake existing furs. Every purchase on the HEVA Milano website as part of the e-shop, all fur pieces can be changed later with the “made to measure” service.
A number of options are available:
- length and width adjustment
- regulation of applications and plugins
- modification of the structure of fur garments
- adding inserts/accessories
I would like to mention one very important thing, in order to ensure the maximum level of dedicated HEVA Milano service, I recommend you to go to the HEVA Milano headquarter in San Marino to check your measurements in detail. Otherwise, you can also make changes by specifying your measurements via email.
The HEVA Milano atelier is open for booking appointments from Monday to Friday at the headquarters of Serravalle – San Marino. Also, to check your general measurements, it is possible to make an appointment at the salon in the very heart of Milan – Corso Venezia 59.
If you want to know more about HEVA Milano fur brand and discover what their team has prepared for the new winter season, visit their official website and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
In today’s fashion story, you have the opportunity to see a long fur coat, below the knee, which is made of sheared mink in a delicate cappuccino color from beige to dark brown. The collar of this fur coat is decorated with a luxurious collar made of noble and expensive sable fur. Apart from the exceptional cut, design and quality, this fur coat also stands out for its weight because it is very light, so you don’t feel like you are wearing a fur coat which is a characteristic of modern fur design in the 21st century.
Fur Coat: HEVA Milano
Pearl Necklace: MIKIMOTO
Earrings: Item from personal collection
Turtleneck Sweater: Loro Piana
Trousers: Loro Piana
Gloves: Loro Piana
Shoes: Brunello Cucinelli
Loro Piana is an Italian company specialised in clothing and textile products. This fashion house is considered the largest producer of cashmere and also the world’s largest artisanal company processing the luxury fiber.
The Loro Piana company has three divisions (textile divisions): a division that deals with the production of high-quality materials using precious fibers such as cashmere and baby cashmere, vicuna, linen and merino wool, a division that deals with the creation of luxury fashion items(production and distribution of men’s, women’s clothing, footwear and fashion accessories) and the interior design department – production and distribution of interior design products.
In today’s post you have the opportunity to see three interesting pieces from the women’s Loro Piana Autumn – Winter 2024 collection, which are just a small fraction of my favorites this season due to their distinctive elegance and my love for soft pastel colors. The beige colored trousers are perfect for all occasions and extremely easy to match with other colors, they are made of cashmere, while on the other hand the Loro Piana beige roll top is made of the finest cashmere. My outfit today was completed by leather gloves that captivate with sporty elegance, but they fit perfectly.
If you want to stay updated and find out which pieces the Loro Piana fashion house has to offer us this fashion season, visit their official online store and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
As for jewelry, today I decided on a pearl necklace that is from my personal collection, I bought it about ten years ago and it was made by MIKIMOTO jewelers, the earrings are also from my personal collection and I have special memories for both pieces. I think these pieces have refreshed and enriched my outfit today because I am a big pearl lover.
This time I decided to complete my outfit with shoes from the Italian brand Brunello Cucinelli. There is no person who has not resisted wearing these famous Italian fashion houses, regardless of whether it is a person of female or male gender, Brunello Cucinelli shoes are loved by the whole planet because of their refined elegance and incredible comfort. The shoes from today’s fashion story are the iconic model of elegant dark brown moccasins.
I hope you enjoyed my todays fall fashion story for the season. Soon I will show you new winter outfits that can serve as inspiration for the new fashion season. See you soon at the same place, with some new interesting story. I will try not to take long breaks and I hope you understand the reason for my unexpected absence, but there will be time to catch up and I am sure I will meet your expectations.
Special note: All my photos from today’s post have been specially edited to meet the expectations of blog partners, as well as the readers themselves while respecting the aesthetics and guidelines of fashion photography. Unfortunately, the face and neck lifting operations did not go well and due to the negligence of the medical team from Egypt, I suffered serious aesthetic and health consequences. In agreement with my legal team, I wrote a post with all the details that can be found on this LINK.
Best Regards,
This post is sponsored by the HEVA Milano, Loro Piana, Brunello Cucinelli and MIKIMOTO brands. This post is my personal and honest review of their products.
Liebe Frau Rose, ich bewundere, wie Sie es schaffen, allen Menschen zu beweisen, dass das Alter nur eine Zahl ist! Du siehst fantastisch aus und du kannst deine besondere Energie und Ausstrahlung spüren. Pelz war schon immer ein Symbol für Aristokratie und Prestige, dieser Pelzmantel, den Sie tragen, ist ein Beweis dafür. Ich glaube, dass Ihnen ein Pelzmantel, der komplett aus Zobel besteht, besser stehen würde! Ein großes Lob für Ihr Outfit und Ihre Mühe, machen Sie weiter so und ich freue mich auf Ihre neuen Modegeschichten! Mit FG Anna
Es ist schön, die Perücke für eine Weile auszuziehen. Ich bin froh, dass es dir besser geht und ich bin mir sicher, dass alles gut wird! Sie sehen großartig aus und Sie können den offensichtlichen Fortschritt in jedem Bereich sehen. Seien Sie sicher, dass Sie es geschafft haben, uns in Erstaunen zu versetzen! Zusätzlich zu Ihrem raffinierten Geschmack und Ihrem markanten Stil verfügen Sie über Mut und Energie, die jeder bewundern sollte. Ihr Pelzmantel ist ausgezeichnet und italienische Marken sind wirklich gut und ich habe ihn schon oft gesehen! Ich kaufte mehrere Nerzmäntel von deutschen Herstellern, aber die Qualität war… Read more »
Liebe Rose, zuerst muss ich dir ehrlich sagen, dass du mich wirklich umgehauen hast und dass ich froh bin, dass du ein Foto ohne Perücke machen konntest, ich glaube, dass es schwierig für dich war und dass du das Schlimmste hinter dir hast . Ihr Mut verdient Respekt, denn wenn mir so etwas passiert wäre, hätte ich, glaube ich, jahrelang das Haus nicht verlassen dürfen. Neben diesem schönen Nerzmantel gefallen mir auch deine Schuhe. Brunello Cucinelli ist wirklich eine zeitlose Marke für alle Zeiten!
Dear Mrs. Rose, I have been following your stories for years and you always knew how to make a good impression regardless of your age, you were always proof that age is just a number and that character and what makes a person from the inside is important. After so many years, I realized that a person is only as young as he feels inside, and when you accept that, you immediately see things in a completely different way. As for your outfit today, I’m just speechless. Also, congratulations on your new look, can you share with us a recipe… Read more »
The coat is just beautiful! I haven’t seen such an unusual and beautiful mink fur coat in combination with sable for years! Is that a sheared mink? What kind of mink is this, maybe Copenhagen Platinum or Purple quality? I love reading your fashion stories and I’m glad you haven’t given up on spreading awareness that a woman can always look good at any age! Greetings from Lyon!
Style, good taste and sense of fashion cannot be bought or learned, they are born with it… I admire women like you who simply know how to express fashion in their own way. You are truly a special and unique woman. The fur coat is fantastic and looks great on you, I inherited two fur coats from my mother and grandmother and I love them very much and I am thinking of remaking one of them to be this narrower, but classic model in the form of a bathrobe. I am 170 cm tall, do you think the length for… Read more »
Your constant struggle really paid off and you proved that age really is just a number… You look younger than me and I’m 42 and I’m really shocked! I would like to look my age just like you, if necessary I would go for all possible cosmetic procedures, I simply would not like to experience the “happiness” of signs of aging. Kudos for your perfect look! Best, Sonia
The coat is really divine, I love the mink and sable! Maybe this outfit would be more interesting if you wore a dark brown leather skirt or dress with maybe some boots, the outfit would have a more feminine touch, but it’s really great like this!
Liebe Rose, du siehst großartig aus! Wir sind mit dem Alter hier, ich bin 70 Jahre alt, aber ich habe noch nie über plastische Chirurgie nachgedacht, das ist wirklich wie Magie und ich muss zugeben, dass Sie mich ziemlich interessiert haben, mehr über mein Aussehen nachzudenken, weil ich angefangen habe zu sehen dass ich noch etwas Leben übrig habe und mich erholen wollte. Bisher habe ich die Gelegenheit genutzt, mich zu regenerieren, indem ich meine Frisur geändert und mir die Haare gefärbt habe, während ich jugendliche Kleidung trug, aber das hilft meiner Psyche offensichtlich nicht genug. Ich glaube, dass man… Read more »